View all policies related to membership, refunds, programs, and more below.


    Program registration can only be done online or in person at the Membership Desk. We do not accept registrations over the phone. A $10 Returned Payment Fee will be assessed for any declined payments.
    If a program participant opts to be added to a program waitlist, they acknowledge that they may be added to the program up to 48 hours to the start of the program. If a program participant would like to be removed from a waitlist, they must email the program director directly with their request. As program spots become available, program directors will add participants to the roster, charge the participant the program fee, and send an email receipt. If a program participant is added to the roster and charged, any cancellation requests would fall under our cancellation policy.
    Submission of the program registration indicates permission for the participant to be photographed and/or videotaped by the Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA or Butler YMCA and public media unless a separate written request not to photograph is submitted. Photographs/video will be used to promote YMCA activities. Furthermore, the participant assumes all risks associated with the program and releases the YMCA, its directors, officers, agents, and volunteers from all liability whatsoever for any injuries, accidents, illnesses, lost or stolen items, or damages to personal property in connection with my participation.
    If a program participant wishes to cancel out of a program, they must contact the director (in writing) no less than 7 days prior to the start of the program. Members and Non-Members will receive a system credit for the amount of the program minus a $5.00 processing fee. No refund will be given with less than 7 day notice of the start of the program.



Can you explain the YMCA's Joining Fee?

The joining fee is a non-refundable, one-time fee that is paid upon joining. As long as the membership remains continuous, the joining fee is only paid once. New members who have been inactive for more than 60 days are required to pay the join fee.

The joining fee is based on your membership type. For instance, if you join as an Individual and pay $100 for the join fee, but decide at a later time you would like to upgrade to a Family Membership, you will be responsible for the additional $50 join fee since a Family Membership join fee costs $150. In addition, no refunds will be issued for a membership downgrade.

What are my payment options at the YMCA?

We accept major credit/debit cards (Visa, MasterCard, Amex), checks and prepaid credit/debit cards. Your automatic withdrawal date will normally be the 1st or 15th of each month. IMPORTANT: If your draft date falls on a weekend or bank holiday, you will be drafted the following business day.

It is your responsibility to notify your YMCA branch or the Customer Service Center to update your payment information.

How old must a child be to use the YMCA alone?

Children who are 7 years and younger must always be accompanied by an adult 18 years or older while in the facility. This means that a child of this age must always be within arm's length of an adult. Children who are enrolled in programs must have an adult remain in the building for the duration of their program. Children 8 years and older, per parental discretion, may use certain areas of the facility without an adult present. Children 8 years or older must be a Green Band (see Test.Mark.Protect section below) to use the Aquatics Center in any capacity.


All members are required to have their photo taken. The photo will only be used in the YMCA's internal system.


Does it matter which YMCA I join?

We ask that you join the YMCA location you plan to use the most. Usually, this is the YMCA closest to where you live and/or work. Our policy is that you must attend your home YMCA at least 51% of the time to remain an eligible member at that branch. 

How many facilities do I have access to?

As a YMCA Member, you have access to the Butler YMCA and Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA. Additionally, all non-insurance members have access to the Nationwide Membership program, details of which are below.


I have a YMCA membership in another state, can I visit your YMCA?

Visiting active YMCA members from any other state are welcome to visit any Butler County Family YMCA. YMCA Nationwide Membership restrictions may apply. Visiting members from YMCAs outside the Butler County Family YMCA are not eligible for member program pricing. 


Periodically, we review member usage statistics. We may notify you and transfer your branch affiliation and fees to the YMCA you frequent the most. On average, at least 51% of your visits must be to your home YMCA - the location YMCA/association that enrolled you and collects your membership dues. Nationwide Membership is based on individual usage, not the family unit. 


All youth are welcome at the YMCA. However, we ask that the following policies be followed to ensure the safety of minors and adults responsible for the care of minors:

Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA:

  • Children 7 and under must be within arm's length of an adult age 18+ at all times, unless they are in a supervised program or in child watch (KidQuarium). An adult must remain in the building while a child is in a program or child watch.
  • Children 8-11 must have an adult age 18+ in the building unless they are in a supervised program.
  • Children 12 and older are permitted in the building unsupervised.
  • All children 11 and under MUST have an adult 18+ with them in the Aquatics Center during recreational swimming and swim lessons. Swim team program participants do not require an adult to be present.


Butler YMCA:

  • Children 7 and under must be within arm's length of an adult age 18+ at all times, unless they are in a supervised program or in child watch (Play Place). An adult must remain in the building while a child is in a program or child watch.
  • Children 8 and older are permitted in the building unsupervised.
  • A youth age 8-18 (or still in high school) using a One-Day pass must be accompanied by a YMCA member 18+ OR a parent or guardian 18+ who remains in the facility during the visit.


Are guests welcome at the YMCA?

Guests may visit any Butler County Family YMCA branch. All guests 18+ years old MUST present a valid government-issued ID. No entry will be allowed without valid identification.

Guests may receive three free visits per calendar year. After that time, guest fees will apply.

Guests must check in at the membership desk and provide valid photo identification as stated above.

Are there any restrictions/exclusions that may apply?

Some branches may have restrictions on guests accessing space due to heavy member usage of that space (ie basketball court, summer pool hours/days).

Check with the visiting branch before you arrive to see if restrictions are in place.

What are the guest fees?

  • Adult (age 18 and up): $12 per day
  • Student (age 17 and under): $6 per day

*Onsite child care is two hours maximum per day and the guest must be in the YMCA facility during this time. 


Please observe all pool rules posted at YMCA indoor pools. If you have questions or need further assistance, please speak with an Aquatics staff member at your branch.

The top five rules at all YMCA pools are:

  • Leave all glass, alcohol and pets at home.
  • Inflatable items, such as water wings, inner tubes and rafts, are prohibited in YMCA pools.
  • Children and non-swimmers must be actively supervised by an adult age 18 and older at all times.
  • No electronics are permitted on the pool deck. This includes cell phones, laptops, CD players, MP3 players, cameras of any kind, or any electronic device.
  • Taking pictures or videos from the pool deck or from any observation window/deck inside or outside the pool area is prohibited.

Active supervision means being within arm's length of a non-swimmer in the water (i.e. a child under 18 who has not passed the YMCA swim assessment) at all times. 

Inclement Weather Policies

  • Butler YMCA: All pools will close during inclement weather and remain closed for 30 minutes after the last occurrence of thunder or lightning. All members and guests must leave the pool deck.
  • Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA: At the discretion of the lifeguards on duty, the Aquatics Center will close when there is visible lightning in the area and will reopen 30 minutes after the last visible lightning strike. All members and guests must leave the pool deck. It will not close just for hearing thunder alone. 

Swim Assessment and Swim Bands (Test.Mark.Protect)

All children ages 12 years and younger must participate in a swimming skills assessment and will be provided a colored wristband based on their swimming ability. Once tested, each time a child comes into the Y for open swim, they will need to acquire their color-appropriate wristband from the Membership Desk when checking in.

   DEEP WATER SWIM TEST (Green Band Test): Consecutively without resting, child must:

  • PLUNGE: Jump into water that is over his/her head and easily return to the surface.
  • TREAD: Keep head above water while treading for one (1) minute.
  • SWIM: Swim one length of the pool (25 yards) unassisted and without resting. Maintain freestyle position with face in the water.


   SHALLOW WATER SLIDE TEST (Yellow Band Test): Consecutively without resting, child must:

  • PLUNGE: Jump into water that is over his/her head and easily return to the surface.
  • TREAD: Keep head above water while treading for 30 seconds.
  • SWIM: Swim 10 yards unassisted and without resting. Maintain freestyle position with face in the

Additional Policies:

  • All non-swimmers (YELLOW/RED wrist bands) 12 and younger must be accompanied in the water by an actively engaged adult 18 years or older within arm’s reach.
  • The YMCA will make available and highly recommends the use of a US Coast Guard approved Life Jacket (PFD) in addition to requiring reach supervision (ONLY US Coast Guard approved Life Jackets permitted).
  • One adult can be responsible for no more than 3 non-swimmers during open swim; PFD required.

Swim Bands Color Meanings

  • GREEN BAND: Swimmers that pass the DEEP WATER TEST may access all pool areas.
  • YELLOW BAND: (Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA only): Non-swimmer ages 12 or younger may test for the SHALLOW WATER SLIDE TEST and may access designated red & yellow zones. At this level, children may swim anywhere in the Family Fun Pool with an adult 18 years or older on deck. However, child must be accompanied in the Warm Water Pool by an actively engaged adult 18 years or older within arms reach. No PFD’s on the slide.
  • RED BAND: Non-swimmers ages 12 or younger who do not take or pass the swim test. Child will be limited to designated red zones and must be accompanied in the water by an actively engaged adult 18 years or older within arm’s reach.
  • What is the Test, Mark & Protect program?
    Aquatic safety at our pools is our first priority. Test, Mark & Protect is an aquatic safety program designed to identify children 12 and under that are most at risk, non-swimmers. Through participating in a swim test, non-swimmers are identified and directed towards designated non-swimmer shallow areas with arms reach adult supervision.
  • When can my child take this swim test or get banded?
    Check your local branch for details.
    Butler YMCA: 724-287-4733
    Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA: 724-452-9122
    YMCA Camp/ Armco Park: 724-794-1108
  • Does my child have to retest every time they come to swim?
    No. Children who pass the test will have their results recorded in our system and retesting is not required. However, children will need to check in at the membership desk each time they come into swim to receive their swim band. Lifeguards reserve the right to retest anyone who gives concern at any time.
  • My child is on the swim team, does she really need to take the swim test?
    Children who are members of the Butler Barracuda’s are already in our system and do not need to take the test. Children who participate on other swim teams who want to swim in our pools will still need to take the test.
  • My child didn’t pass the swim test. When can she retake it?
    Children who do not pass the swim test may retake the test the following day.
  • My child is under 1 year, do I still need to get him/her a band?
    No. Children under the age of 1 do not need a band. Still, the child must have adult reach supervision in the pool at all times and the YMCA highly recommends the use of a US Coast Guard approved lifejacket.
  • Can I take my child into the deep end (Green Zone) if he/she can’t swim?
    No. For safety reasons, we require that non-swimmers children remain in designated areas based on their swimming ability in addition to adult supervision and highly recommend the use of a US Coast Guard approved lifejacket.
  • If I am participating in a birthday party, rental, or camp must my child participate in a swim test?
    No. Individuals that identify themselves as non-swimmers are marked accordingly and not required to take the swim test. As a non-swimmer they are restricted to shallow water (Red Zones) in addition to other layers of protection and adult supervision. If a child 12 and under would like to swim in Green or Yellow Zones he/she must pass the appropriate swim test prior to entering the water. Individuals that have already taken the test may obtain their band from the Membership Desk. See branch for specific requirements.
  • Why is there a yellow band at the Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA?
    The Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA has a Family Fun Pool and Shallow Water Slide. Children who do not pass the green band swim test may take the yellow band Shallow Water Slide Test. Upon successful completion, the child may use the family fun pool and slide area with adult supervision from the deck area. However, the child will require reach supervision in the water if using the Warm Water Pool. When a yellow band attends another Butler County Family YMCA facility, he/she will need to wear a red band.
  • My child is 7 or under and has passed the swim test. Can she use the pool unsupervised?
    No. All children 7 and under, regardless of swimming ability, must be supervised in the aquatic facility at all times by an adult 18 and up.
  • When does my child have to wear a swim band?
    Anytime your child is in the water he/she must wear the appropriate swim band in addition to required supervision unless your child is under the direct supervision of a YMCA instructor. Likewise, if your child will be participating in open swim before or after a scheduled program (i.e. swim lessons) he/she must obtain the appropriate swim band and have the required level of adult supervisor.
  • If my child is using the Splash Pad at YMCA Camp/ ARMCO Park does he/she require arms reach supervision?
    Due to the non-swimming nature of the Splash Pad, reach supervision isn’t required for children ages 3-12. All children 7 and under, regardless of swimming ability, must be supervised in the aquatic facility at all times by an adult 18 and up.



(Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA)

  • YMCA members are expected to follow the guidelines below for smooth Wellness Center operation as well as to ensure the safety and well-being of all members. 
  • Cubbies are for small items members need while in the Wellness Center. Lockers are available for coats, gym bags, shoes, and other large items. 
  • Appropriate attire free of offensive pictures or language, clean, dry shoes and clothing that covers the buttocks should be worn. 
  • Cell phone usage should be courteous to all members. No pictures or videos may be taken.   
  • Be respectful to other members waiting to use the equipment and offer to share equipment when waiting between sets. 
  • Weight plates, bars, and dumbbells should be controlled to the floor and returned to the appropriate place by the person using them. Equipment is not to be moved. 
  • Selectorized weight stacks and cable crossover weight stacks must be controlled to the stop position. 
  • Members are expected to wipe off equipment after each use.  
  • Loitering, horseplay, and swearing will not be tolerated.  
  • Chalk and tobacco are prohibited.   

Youth Policy 

  • Youth members 11-15 years of age are permitted to use the Wellness Center with a Wellness Center Youth Certification or with a parent or Personal Trainer. 
  • Youth members 10 years of age and under are not permitted to use the Wellness Center, even if accompanied by a parent or Personal Trainer. 
  • Youth members 11-15 years of age who have completed a Wellness Center Youth Certification must wear their Youth ID badge to designate the age-appropriate area of usage as follows: 
    • Youth 11-13 years of age may use the track, bikes, and weight machines. 

    • Youth 14-15 years of age may use all cardiovascular equipment and weight machines. 

  • Youth members 11-15 years of age, who are supervised by a parent or Personal Trainer (must be within arm’s length), can use all Wellness Center equipment. 
  • Youth members 16 years of age and older are permitted to use all equipment and do not need supervision.   



How do I make a change to my membership type?

If you need to change your membership, please fill out the membership change form no less than 7 days prior to your automatic payment withdrawal (the 1st or 15th of each month). Changes are not complete until confirmation is provided by the YMCA via email.

Changes made to membership types are subject to pro-rated fees depending on the date of the request submission. You will be drafted these pro-rated fees in addition to your next monthly rate.

How do I change my personal information?

Please stop by, or call, your branch’s Membership Service Desk to update any changes to your personal information. You can also access and update your account information through your YMCA online account found here.



Butler County Family YMCA members may temporarily hold their membership for a minimum of one month and a maximum of two consecutive months in a calendar year. To place a hold on a membership, members must fill out a membership hold form found here. Annual memberships are not eligible for a hold. Hold requests must be submitted no less than 7 days before your automatic payment withdrawal (1st or 15th of the month).

Holds are not complete until confirmation is provided by the YMCA via email.


Do you offer financial assistance?

If you are having trouble with a YMCA membership due to financial circumstances, please take a minute to call or visit your YMCA branch and speak with a staff member about Financial Assistance. The YMCA helps hundreds of people each year with membership scholarships. 

What is the process to cancel my membership?

If you need to cancel your Y membership, please fill out the membership cancellation form no less than 7 days before your automatic payment withdrawal (1st or 15th of the month). Cancellation requests are not accepted until email confirmation is sent to you from the YMCA.

You are responsible for checking your bank and credit card accounts to ensure that automatic payments have been stopped.


If I decide to rejoin the YMCA, do I have to pay the joining fee again?

Members who cancel their membership and rejoin within 60 days pay no join fee; after 60 days of an inactive membership, the join fee will be required to join.

Can I get a refund for my dues and fees?

YMCA join fees and membership dues are nonrefundable. Facility usage, or lack of, will not constitute a refund.

What happens if I have a returned payment?

The YMCA will attempt to collect all returned outstanding payments until they are paid in full. All returned drafts or checks are subject to a $10 returned payment fee.

If your draft is returned, we will attempt to re-collect the draft weekly. Your financial institution may charge a fee for each unsuccessful draft attempt. The YMCA will not reimburse bank fees due to draft returns.

If credit or debit card payments are rejected, it is your responsibility to contact your YMCA branch to resolve payment issues.


All members and guests are required to check in at the Membership Desk. No person will be permitted to enter the YMCA without first checking in at the Membership Desk.


When signing up for a membership, either as an active member or inactive non-member, every person agrees to the Code of Conduct listed below.


Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA

In the event of inclement winter weather, program cancellations will be at the discretion of the program director and will be communicated accordingly. 

  • Healthy Living/Land Group Exercise cancellations will be communicated via our mobile app. 
  • Youth & Family and Swim Lesson cancellations will be emailed by the Youth & Family Director. 
  • Water Fitness cancellations will be communicated via our mobile app and posted to the Aquatics Facebook group (RES YMCA Aquatics).

Other Notes:

  • Please note that unless otherwise noted, the facility will remain open for recreational use.
  • Program Make-up: If a class is canceled due to bad weather or a situation beyond the YMCA’s control, the class will not be made up. Reasonable attempts will be made to accommodate class cancellations. Refunds will not be issued.
  • Y Kids Academy: If Seneca Valley School District is on a two-hour delay, parents will be notified via Class Dojo and email, and the following schedule will apply: 
    • Preschool Explorations/Preschool Firsts 9:00AM-10:00AM will have class 10:00AM-10:45AM
    • Preschool Explorations/Preschool Firsts 10:30AM-11:30AM will have class 11:30AM-12:15PM
    • Preschool 9:00AM-11:30AM will have class 11:00AM-12:45PM
    • Preschool 12:30PM-3:00PM will have class 1:15PM-3:00PM
    • PreK 9:00AM-1:00PM will have class 11:00AM-1:00PM
    • Lunch Bunch will be canceled.
    • If Seneca Valley closes, Y Kids Academy will not be held.


Butler YMCA

  • If there are any closures or cancellations, members will be notified via the app and social media. Also, weather closures will be listed on WPXI.

  • Phone calls to class participants will be made if at all possible. 

  • For their safety, we ask members to call the Y before they venture out!


AUTHORIZATION TO THE YMCA: YMCA Monthly Automatic Withdrawal is a continuous membership payment plan. I understand this membership will remain in effect and will continue to be drafted until I give a 7-day written notification of termination to the YMCA (must be submitted via the online form for Rose E. Schneider Family YMCA members). I understand that I must receive a confirmation notification to ensure my request has been accepted. I have given my authority to the below named bank/credit card company to honor preauthorized EFT/Charge drawn by the YMCA on my account for the membership payments as indicated below. When the bank honors the draft by charging my account, such draft shall constitute my receipt for the payment. Should any preauthorized draft not be honored by said bank when received by them, then it is understood that the payment will be collected electronically as well as a $10.00 returned payment service fee. Failure to give seven (7) days written termination or hold notice will result in the charge of an additional month of dues.

  • Suspension or termination of YMCA membership privileges may result from a determination by the Executive Director if in his/her discretion a violation of the YMCA Member's Code of Conduct has occurred.
  • Membership cards remain the property of the YMCA and must be surrendered upon demand of the YMCA.
  • Any membership that lapses for 60 days or more will again be assessed the Development Fee.
  • All fees paid for membership including Development Fees are non-refundable.
  • Membership is non-transferable.
  • The YMCA may photograph or videotape you, your spouse and/or your child(ren) while participating in YMCA activities. These photos/videos may be used on our promotional tools and social media outlets.
  • The YMCA reserves the right to request identification (i.e. Driver's license, passport, marriage certificate, etc.).
  • A $10 Returned Payment Fee will be assessed for any declined payments
  • The YMCA reserves the right to charge any current balance due on any account through any method of payment on the account to reconcile the account prior to activation.


After the first thirty days of membership (membership must be active for a minimum of thirty (30) days), you may cancel the remainder of your membership at any time by giving the YMCA written notice seven (7) days in advance of your next scheduled day of monthly EFT/Charge. If a termination request is submitted outside of the seven (7) days notice, membership dues will draft the following month. Any membership that lapsed for 60 days or more will again be assessed the Development Fee. If the draft is not terminated at the requested termination date, it is my responsibility to notify the YMCA as soon as possible. I understand the YMCA will not be liable for drafts that occur after the termination date unless reported within 60 days of the requested date. 



I agree that the YMCA shall not be responsible for any personal injuries or losses sustained by me while on any YMCA premises, or as a result of any YMCA sponsored activities. I further agree to indemnify and save harmless the YMCA from any claims or demands arising out of any such injuries or losses.



The YMCA is committed to providing a safe and welcoming environment for all members and guests. To promote safety and comfort for all, all individuals are asked to act appropriately at all times when in our facility or participating in our programs. We expect persons using the YMCA to act maturely, to behave responsibly, and to respect the rights and dignity of others. Our Member's Code of Conduct outlines prohibited behavior, but the actions listed below are not an all-inclusive list of behaviors considered inappropriate in our facilities or programs:

  • Using or possessing alcohol or illegal chemicals on YMCA property
  • Smoking on the YMCA premises
  • Carrying or concealing a weapon or any device or object that may be used as a weapon
  • Use of cell phones in the YMCA's shower and locker room areas
  • Use of any video/picture taking equipment, including camera phones, in YMCA's shower rooms, locker rooms, and fitness center area
  • Harassment or intimidation by words, gestures, body language, or any type of menacing behavior
  • Physical contact with another person in an angry, aggressive or threatening way
  • Verbally abusive behavior, including angry or vulgar language, swearing, name-calling, or shouting
  • Sexually explicit conversation or behavior: any sexual contact with another person
  • Inappropriate, immodest, or sexually revealing attire
  • Theft or behavior that results in the destruction or loss of property
  • Loitering within or on the grounds of the YMCA
  • No pets are permitted on the YMCA premises.

In addition, the YMCA reserves the right to deny access or membership to any person who has been accused or convicted of any crime involving sexual abuse, is or has been a registered sex offender, has ever been convicted of any offense relating to the use, sale, possession, or transportation of narcotics or habit-forming and/or dangerous drugs, or is presently or habitually under the influence of dangerous drugs or chemicals, narcotics, or intoxicating beverages. Members and guests are encouraged to take responsibility for their personal comfort and safety by asking any person whose behavior threatens their comfort to refrain from such behavior. Anyone who feels uncomfortable in confronting a person directly should report the behavior to a staff member on duty. YMCA staff members are eager to be of assistance. Members and guests should not hesitate to notify a staff member if assistance is needed. In order to be able to carry out these policies, we ask that members and guests identify themselves to staff when asked.

I acknowledge the waiver and membership agreement set forth above and being in sympathy with the Mission Statement of the Butler County Family YMCA, and hereby apply for membership. (Parent or guardian must sign if applicant is under 18 years of age).